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Enlarged Collection of Mottoes--A Primary Textbook for Children-----(一) Revised by Zhou XitaoTranslated by Zhang Hongyan and Chen Shuiming重订《增广贤文》
本书系为儿童及没有机会受正规教育者所写。它由体现流行于中国儒、释、道思想的谚语,格言和典故组成 从中可以看出中国传统的道德观。 原书为佚名作者所写,1869年,由学者周希陶增订改编,此后一直深受欢迎,被认为是教育人立身处世和儿童必读书。 ---- 译者 【改编者周希陶自序】 昔舜好问,而好查迩言,盖言以明道,未可以其近而忽之也。夫以大舜之智,犹以察焉,况其下者乎?若《增广》一书,行世已久,不知集自何人,节录杂记,雅俗兼收,虽无统纪,而言浅意深,确中人情,虽迩言,而持己接物之道存焉。但其间多有语病。如‘欺老莫欺少’,‘红粉佳人休便老,风流浪子莫教贫’之类,余窃弃之,补以经传格言之简易者,次以平上去入四韵,略加音注释典,以便俗学。夫人莫不欲保身家也,保身家唯读书为最,而读书又以体行为贵。资质钝者,既不能究四子、六经之奥,若于《小学》外兼读此书,体而行之,纵不能升堂入室,亦不失克家之令子,里党之正人,而风俗益臻于淳美,非特一身一家已也。苟不量子弟之智愚贤否,而徒浮慕经典,岂数载占毕,遂能窥其美富哉?一旦半途而废,未有不尽弃其前功者。种五谷不熟,不如荑稗之为愈也。是可为苗而不秀,秀而不实者告。同治八年已巳冬南至日,希陶山人识于晚香书屋。 Enlarged Collection of Mottoes-----A Primary Textbook for Children-----【Brief introduction】 This book is specially written for children and young people that have no opportunity for enjoying formal education. It is composed of proverbs, mottoes and allusions, which embody the thought of Confucian, Buddhist and Taoist School popular in China. From its content can be seen the traditional Chinese moral outlook. Preface in the originalIn ancient times Emperor Shun was inquisitive and fond of examining near fork-words, for words carry principles, and should not be rashly neglected because they are near to us. Wise as Emperor Shun was, he still liked to examine them, why those who are not wiser than he shouldn’t do so? As for the book “Collected Mottoes” it was compiled by anonymous authors and was popular for a long time. The book is composed of both refined and popular sections from various notes and miscellanies, which are not systematic but are concise and comprehensive with profound significance as well as hit the ways of the world. Though they are near folk-words, yet contain the principles of disciplining oneself and getting along with people. Nevertheless, there are word-defects among them, such as “Deceive the aged but not the young”, “Don’t let the young beauty get old soon, nor the romantic fellow poor”. Personally I don’t think them right, so I remove them from the book and replace with plain aphorisms from the classic works, then arrange them in rhythmical and the Four Tones orders and give them brief notes, so as to make them be easily read by learners. As far as ordinary people is concerned, nobody doesn’t want to protect himself and his family, but the best way to do so is reading and the best way for reading is to practise what he reads. The people slow in thought are hard to get the essence of the Four Books and The Six Classics. But if they can learn this book in addition to The Text-book for Children and practise what the books record, then, even they can’t get into men of learning, still can be good sons of their families and virtuous people in their home village. Thus the social custom will get civilized day by day and the benefit to read this book isn’t limited in the learners themselves or their families. Suppose you don’t consider whether your children are clever or not but only have a high regard for classical works, then can your children obtain the essence of them within several years of study? Once they stop half way, few of them do not waste their previous efforts. So, as the old saying goes, ‘it is better to gather darnels than to sow grains without reaping. ’On this reason I should like to advise the learners whose study is like to sprout but not flower and to flower but bear no fruit. --- Zhou Xitao, in his Evening Sweet Study, Enlarged Collection of Mottoes-----A Primary Textbook for Children-----Revised and Enlarged by Zhou XitaoTranslated by Zhang Hongyan and Chen Shuiming昔时贤文,诲汝谆谆。 By former mottoes you are well taught. Here they are collected and arranged in rhymes, thus they are easily read and help you increase your knowledge. To examine the present you must reflect upon the past; without the past lessons there is no present way. Men of talent and virtue are the treasures of the country; the Confucian scholars are as precious as the best dishes in the banquet. All hinds of craftsmen and tradesmen must cement the five human relationships (between sovereign and subjects, father and sons, husband and wife, among brothers and among friends). Of all principles the most important ones are to be a dutiful son and a kind brother. With the virtuous foundation strongly laid, the virtuous principles are naturally formed. Respect the teacher and take his teachings seriously; extensively cherish the masses but specially be close to those who are just and virtuous. 钱财如粪土,仁义值千金。 Of wealth and virtue, the former is but as light as dung and dirt, while the latter is truly valuable. Act according to the natural law and talk according to the popular wishes of people. Your will and intention shouldn’t be contrary to heaven and your words and deeds must be good examples to the following generations. While noble and rich you should understand the difficulty of the poor and lowly; while young and strong you should give sympathetic consideration to the bitterness of the old and weak. 孝当竭力,非徒养身。 Being a filial son you should do your best to make your parents happy, not merely support them. The crow knows to repay its mother’s kindness by feeding her and the sheep knells down while sucking its mother’s milk One might shed tears for missing one’s parents while away from home, but it is far from the hearts of the parents who are concerned about their children. Wait on and please you parents while they are living; don’t follow Mr. Ding Lan who offered sacrifices to his parents’ wood idols after they passed away. Better serve your parents with chicken and pork while they are living than offer sacrifices with oxen to them before their graves. Good friends are better than brothers on bad terms; there is nothing like brothers in opposing foreign enemies [It means blood is thicker than water]. With wine and meat you’ll have lots of friends, but how can you have one when you are in time of trouble. Brothers get older and older when meet each other one time after another time, how long can the relation of brothers last? 父子和而家不败,兄弟和而家不分。 The family cannot decline if father and sons are harmonious; the family cannot break if brothers are harmonious。 The family financial situation will get prosperous if husband and wife are harmonious; there will be no lawsuits if country people are harmonious. It is just the song of the oriole is too sweet among the flowers that causes the flying wild geese to be disordered in the sky --- a metaphor that means it is the woman’s pillow talk that makes her husband break with his brothers. 诸恶莫作,众善奉行。 Don’t do any evil thing but try your best to do every kind of good deed. Know yourself and others and compare your intention with theirs. Reproach yourself with the heart you use to reproach others; love others with the heart you use to love yourself. Be careful and careful don’t do any evil against your conscience Better be wrongly treated than wrongly treat others. 贪爱沉溺即苦海,利欲炽燃是火坑。 Indulging in ease and comfort is like crashing into the sea of bitterness; being overcome by covetousness is not less than dropping into abyss of suffering. Let matters drift, don’t follow the fashion at anytime; free from social custom, but don’t have the intention to reform it. While in adverse circumstances, you must exam the original reason why, then you will not murmur against god and man; While in the position of nobility and wealth, you may consider the day when it comes to the end, then you will not be anxious to keep it. 昼坐惜阴,夜坐惜灯。 Grudge the time day and night. 酒逢知己饮,诗向会人吟。 Drink with your close friends; compose poetry before those who understand the meaning of it. You may have acquaintances all over the world, but how many of them are bosom ones? Every time you meet a friend, take him as a new acquaintance, then you’ll always maintain the friendship. If no one does any evil all one’s life, then no one will be hated in the world. Living in the humble house, though ill-informed, you’ll feel carefree and joyous; Making friends with old country folks, though less etiquette needed, you’ll experience true friendship. 萤仅自照,雁不孤行。 The glow worn lights itself only; the wild geese never fly alone. The young plant grows from the seed; the lotus seed grows from lotus flower. He who lives near the river knows the nature of the fish; he who lives in the mountains knows the song of the bird. A long journey tests a horse’s strength, so a long task proves a person’s true color. When the opportunity leaves, even the gold becomes into iron; while it comes, even the iron will get as valuable as gold. Being thin, a horse loses its strength; being poor, a man loses his elegant style. The tower near water will be shown by the moonlight first; the plant and flower facing the sun will early meet spring. He who forgives others is not stupid; while the stupid can never forgive others. The stupid never think the cord they use to draw water from the well is too short but always complain that the well is too deep. 美不美,乡中水;亲不亲,故乡人。 Sweet or not, the water of the native land is always sweeter; close or not, the people from the same hometown are always closer. The close relations can never be cut off and the close neighbors can never be separated. He who occasionally visits his friend is easy to be warmly welcomed; he who lives long at his friend’s is often disgusted with. He who cannot well treat his guests must be stupid. He who doesn’t entertain guests at home will get to know few warm hosts he meets when he goes on a journey. 群居守口,独坐防心。 Be careful with your words when you are among the masses and be careful with your ambition when you live alone. One’s ambition often ceases when one has delicious food and one’s energy often grows when one doesn’t seek fame and wealth. With money in hand you can become distinguished among the masses. Don’t ask a favor of the relations when you suffer misfortune. Far water cannot be used to put out a near fire; far relations are not better than near neighbors. Two people unite as one, then they'll be able to do everything; if everybody cares for himself, then no one can do anything. Don’t bear heavy things if you are weak, and don’t give others any advice if you are in a low position. Listening to one’s words is like tasting the soup so that the flavor is disclosed; cooperating with a man in money affairs you’ll discover his true colors. 易涨易退山溪水,易反易覆小人心。 What easily rises and falls is the water in the hill brook and what easily chops and changes is the selfish people’s heart. It is easy to draw a tiger but not its bones and it is easy to know a man by his appearance but not by his heart. Can anybody be not reviewed when he is absent, or can anybody not review another people when he is among his companions? 但行好事,莫问前程。 Do good deeds but not consider the result. The clumsy bird should start flying early and the great minds often mature slowly. 千里不欺孤,独木不成林。 Don’t bully the wretched at any place; A single tree does not make a forest, (---a metaphor meaning one person alone cannot accomplish much.) Even living in the busy street, the poor are seldom visited by anyone; while even living in remote mountains, the rich have many distant relatives. Human relation is as fragile as paper, every sheet is easily broken; current affairs are as changeable as the games of chess, every one is different. 世人结交须黄金,黄金不多交不深. Making friends with worldly man wants gold; Without money no intimate one you can hold. Even he temporarily promises aid when you need; In fact his words are only careless gestures indeed. 当局者昧,旁观者明。 Lookers-on see more than players. The narrow river flows swiftly; the man in urgent state often works out good ideas. He who is well-fed and well-clothed will desire loose and idle; he who lives in hunger and cold will get the idea to steal. Moths plunge into the flame ---they destroy themselves; the silkworm forms a cocoon for itself---one is stewing one's juice. 江中后浪催前浪,世上新人赶旧人。 In the river, the latter wave drives the former; in the world, the new generation replaces the old. Man lives for only one life and the grass grows for one spring; They come suddenly like the storm and leave vaguely like the dust. In the busiest section, there is wealth that can be sought after; in the peaceful area, there is comfortable place that might be lived in. Don’t go to the mountains where you know there are tigers. Nightingales and flowers still fear time goes too fast; can you allow the bright spring to be idly spent? If you allow your friends to leave without drinking, even the peach flowers in the fairyland will laugh at you The flowers blossomed yesterday and fade now, while the man lives at most for one hundred years yet always considers the affairs ten thousand years to go. The people who were in the tombs among the North Mang Hill [a well known gave yard where nobles were buried in the history] are equal now whether they were rich or poor before their death; the clouds flowing above the Yulei Mountains are always changing from ancient times. 幸名无德非佳兆,乱世多财是祸根。 The fame without merit one gets by lucky is never a good omen; much money one gets in turbulent days is the cause of ruin. The boundless and indistinct world affairs cannot be predicted; the cool breeze and bright moon are coldly looking at man. Please don’t act as a miser, can you bring any single coin when you are going to the other world? 血肉身躯且归泡影,何论影外之影; Human body will eventually get into smoke, let alone the shadow outside the shadow (a metaphor referring to money); The beautiful land still belongs to a kind of dust, let alone the fine dust of the dust (a metaphor referring to people). 速效莫求,小利莫争。 Don’t contend for a quick result, nor contend for small profits. Too high fame often causes jealousy; too honorable position often causes slanders. Collective anger is too much for one; special desire is difficult to meet. As soon as a thing reaches its extremity, it reveals its course; a vase full of water will decline. 欲知三岔路,须问去来人。 If you want to know where the T-way leads, please ask those who have come from there. Before 30 years old, people seek diseases, while after it, diseases seek people. Vast wealth is gained by opportunity, while moderate wealth by diligence. While hating that no leaves grow on the branches, don’t complain that the sun dives no light (Depend on yourself, don’t blame god and man). 一年之计在于春,一日之计在于寅。 The scheme for a year lies in the spring; that for a day lies in the morning; that for a family lies in harmony and that for a man’s life lies in diligence. 择婿观头角,娶女访幽贞。大抵取他根骨好,富贵贫贱非所论。 While selecting the boyfriend for your daughter should choose a handsome and clever one; While selecting the girlfriend for your son, should choose a gentle and serene one. Generally, choose them according to their fine moral character and their family tradition, Don’t take seriously whether they are rich or poor. 无限朱门生饿殍,几多白屋出公卿。 There have been starved bodies that are from noble and rich families; On the contrary there have been high rank officials who are from plain and poor families. The owners of palatial mansions have always changed and no one of the masters of the famous gardens belongs to the original master. 众口难辩,孤掌难鸣。 Few people cannot overpower the enemy’s large number; a single hand cannot produce clapping sounds. Not fighting on the battlefield but flaunting force afterward---A metaphor referring to coward 一肥遮百丑,四两拨千斤。 Wealth covers all kinds of shame; a small sliding weight can be used for weighing thousand kilograms. (This means the key power affects important affairs.) Don’t hate you are too thin if you are healthy, nor complain you are poor if you live in peace. How can I make everyone satisfied, but should have nothing on my conscience. Rain and dew do not nourish the grass and plant without roots; ill-gotten wealth never makes the rich who is determined to be poor by fate。 慢藏诲盗;冶容诲淫。 To be careless of wealth is to invite thieves; to be seductively made up is to arouse sex desires. Listen to only one side and you will be benighted; while listen to both sides and you will be enlightened. Seeing is believing. ---What is heard is a far cry from what is seen. One dog barks at shadow; hundred dogs bark following the examples of others. (It means one barking dog sets all the street a-barking.) 莫信直中直,须防仁不仁。 Don’t trust those who look like honest and honest but should take precautions against those who look like kind but are really unkind. A fierce tiger may sometimes be approached but the sinister people should never be made friends with. He who comes to tell tales is a man harboring evil intentions. (It refers to the dog that fetches will carry.) Even the way of the world is full of frustrations, but the way of harboring intentions should be broad and level. (待续) |
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