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Dialogue with Mr. Fischer
Roland & Rachel Fischer 10:21 Hi Greg. A very HAPPY HOLIDAY season to you and your loved ones. We are delighted to have joined the Roland’s Family. Forgive me for asking. Roland & Rachel Fischer 10:30 Your request to join fits the time frame for our years at Nankai, April 1982 to July of 1987. Neither Rachel or I recall a ‘Greg’ on our rather faulty memory bank. So, perhaps you could bring us up to date. We are happy to have your involvement we just hope to know more about you and the connection. Looking forward to your response….. R&R Greg Gao 14:49 Hi, Mr & Mrs Fischer, Very happy to hear from you! Here is a brief of Greg: Gu Qinan and Liu Shicong were my classmates (1960-1965), Jiang Huashang is my friend. Liu Yingsheng was my colleague, Cao Qizhen was my first teacher in Nankai and friend. I polished my English in NZ, 1979-1981. After back to NK, I Taught “Jingdu”(intensive reading) and English poetry as an optional course in the FLD till October 1987. Then I came to the United States by IAP 66 visa (sent by gov, but financed by self) and stayed till now. I retired in March this year from the Queens Public Library NYC as a branch library manager. My wife and I‘v moved to Katy TX to be closer to my two children. My hobby is to maintain a website named “海外南开人”www.nankaioverseas.net . My daughter is working for Shell, her husband is an employee in the Transportation Dept of Texas state. My son works for a smaller oil company also in Houston. That’s it. The “brief” is too long. BTW, my Chinese name Gao Dongshan 高东山 was changed to Greg Gao when I was naturalized in Feb 1992. In alumni activities back in NK, China, my Chinese name is always used only. Perhaps that’s why both of you never heard of “greg gao” on campus. Roland & Rachel Fischer 15:28
My goodness you keep wonderful company! Thank you for the bio and the Memorial to Lui Yingsheng and Cao qizhen. There were so many remarkable persons who we had the privilege of being in the same time and space during our all-to-brief working timers Nankai. The fact that I was able to continue our association with our Nankai Family was and is a truly high point in our professional and personal life. Now we live in memory of those many exceptional experiences we had and now cherish. We have lots to visit about and hopefully someday we will have a chance to sit together. I include my email address, Rolandtraveling@hotmail.com, for your convenience. I find poking on this phone wonderful to Roland & Rachel Fischer 15:33
(As you now see), quickly keep in touch but serious conversations need a keyboard and time for sharing. My ‘fat fingers’ often are not the right tools for such restricted space. Greg Gao 16:21
My wife and I look forward to meeting you here in the States or in Nankai. Greg Gao 16:25
Whenever you need to add anything to the web pages or you want to publish something of your own, please let me know. Greg Gao 16:34
And Thank You for your email address, for important matters that tool is more efficient. Roland & Rachel Fischer 16:35
Thank you for the invitation to the web pages. If the Covid ever gets under control we certainly will plan for a way for us to be together. It is unlikely that We will be making a return trip to China any time soon. Long plane rides, even though I really enjoy flying, is a task that doesn’t seem likely. ————— 2021-12-21 ————— Roland & Rachel Fischer 14:56
Thanks for the link. Our land phone is 320 252 1520. We use the cell phone for internet connection 320 293 0084. In reviewing the posts you have sent clearly you know a good deal more about us than we know about you. One question that we are curious about is the reference to your time in NZ. As you probably know we had also lived and worked in NZ from December 1974 to December 1977 when we returned to the States. We wonder if that fact ever had come to your awareness. We don’t recall having your stay in NZ a part of our understanding at that time. We are curious as to where you were during your time in NZ. We lived and taught high school in New Plymouth on the North Island. The only memory either of us have of a NZ connection was a couple of foreign teachers from NZ. The female Foreign Expert (do not recall her name) center of the group photo taken at the Great Wall. The other NZ couple, James and Jenifer Norquist were from Christchurch. We lost contact with all three of these folks over the years. I know it is a long shot but perhaps you may have known them. I think the Norquist’s were at FLD 82/83 and the women was at FLD 83/84 when we joined the facility at FLD. The first semester at Nankai (Spring 82) we taught some faculty who had been spun off the FLD into English for Special Purposes. The academic year or 82/83 we taught a special group of students from the department of Physics who were sent to Canada for an MBA. The ‘special staff’ was Cao, Wang. Rachel and I. After the year I English immersion all but 2 of the 31 passed the TOEFL required admission test. That was year from hell that we survived, made Nankai happy and we were then absorbed into FLD much to the Roland & Rachel Fischer 15:09 Greg Gao 16:53 Greg Gao 16:38 Greg Gao 17:02
My curiosity: how are you going to celebrate your 40 years relationship with NK-China on April 16, 2022? Roland & Rachel Fischer 19:25 May 28, 2022
I haven’t got a notion of how to do that. We left Minneapolis in ‘82 on my birthday and arrived in Beijing on the 16 without a celebration. We decided, on arriving at Beijing,a dream we had since our preteen years of someday going to China was a great birthday gift. When I put my mind around the question you ask I am overwhelmed by how to celebrate the nearly five and a half years of a profoundly challenging and rewarding life experience And the subsequent nearly thirty two year capstone celebration at the Nankai Centenary in 2019……I don’t know what to or how to celebrate the events of the 40 year opportunities we have experienced. I will make a New Years resolution to figure that out. In the meantime if you come up with an idea of how you intend to celebrate the challenging and rewarding decisions you and your wife have made. Your travels and choices likely become the ingredients of a life well led. You have a few years to decide how to celebrate that ‘road well traveled’. Time flies when one is having a good time. Hmmm I just took the first step on the path to a celebration. April 16, 2022, is on a Saturday. That is a good day to celebrate!! Roland & Rachel Fischer 2/2/2022 19:25 Greg, would you mind if we used our Informal address? Roland is fine with me. I am not sure how to respond to your invitation to share future writings. I don’t have any plans to write about my life/work in China/America/Europe/New Zealand. I thought I had finished by writing my memoir that had sketched out the years before ‘The China Years’. Then came the agreement with Tianjin Press and the challenge of the Epilogue and the ‘waiting to see’ if the memoir/epilogue would be published. Given the current political climate status or ‘climate crisis’ that seems to be brewing between the two countries it is safe to say, “We are still in a holding pattern”. So, at the moment I don’t have any plans to write an Epilogue II. I had put that idea on the shelf until after the Spring Festival. The plan now is to turn attention to our 40th Anniversary plans. I suspect that will not have my full attention until the festival communications have slowed down. I did a short chronicle of the ‘homes’ we lived in, “Fischer’s Slept Here” at the request of a Chinese friend who was curious about the travel we had done. My ‘work’ experience in education is largely a story of the theatre productions I was involved in creating. As a classroom teacher of Art and Speech the productions I had directed are so much easier and interesting to me than documenting classroom experiences. While the classroom had opportunities to plow new ground and experiment with ‘different’ methods and ideas the stage was the motivation that drew me to my years in the classroom. I hasten to add that over those years in the classroom were a number of private business enterprises. Safe to say, I have not spent my ‘career’ dedicated to a single ‘profession’ but rather ‘a mixed bag’ of adventures. Rachel and I have initiated businesses building a Garden Shop, Dog Kennel and a Pottery Studio. Business enterprises that were built and sold before moving on to other adventures. Our working life included a challenging, rewarding and hard working set of experiences that lead to a life well led with ‘no regrets’ except one, I didn’t learn the Chinese language. But, there is still time. So, perhaps that gives you some idea of the ‘plan for the day’ or lack of one. I look forward to your response and further conversations. Roland Greg Gao 2/2/2022 16:05 Yes, Roland, I like to be called Greg informally, too. It's interesting to know you have started a business which brings you rewards, challenges, and joy. A married couple of our friends whom we aquanted in Rochester NY are running a similar enterprise. They import garden decorations of stone and ceramic crafts and water fountains from China, then cusom remodeling or polishing them to meet the needs of their clients in LA and nationwide. A digression from our topic.
Mr. Roland peddling a bike on his birthday to show he is as fit as a fiddle 4/15/22 (MP4) Greg Gao 06:49, 4/15/2022
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