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宋德利校友著译 November 12, 2023 【谨以此书追思我聊斋情结的催生者及慈祥善良的知音——平凡而伟大的母亲】 读聊斋,如观美景:鬼鬼妖妖,多多少少,媚媚娇娇,亭亭袅袅;译聊斋,如和天籁:韵韵飘飘,美美妙妙,梦梦渺渺,月月皎皎。聊斋情结深,深深深如许,知恩欲谢谢谁人?虚无无奈空问月,焉知知音何处寻? 【内容简介】 《聊斋志异》,简称《聊斋》,俗名《鬼狐传》,是中国清代著名小说家蒲松龄创作的一部文言短篇小说集。社会上流传各种版本。我选择的是朱其铠《全本新注聊斋志异》,全书12卷,498篇。从2006年开始我立志翻译聊斋,2008年出版选译本。2022年初,历经15年的努力,终于完成12卷全译,已经被五洲出版社纳入出版计划。其特点是用双语为每篇写一段简介和一首俳句,重点在于提炼其中的智慧,因此称之为智慧俳句。 第一卷 Book 1 001考城隍 宋先生在去世后由神差邀请,考上城隍;但是宋先生以孝敬母亲为由,恳求在母亲百年之后再赴任;他孝敬母亲的心情感动了神仙,准许他还魂为母亲尽孝。 After his death, Mr. Song was invited by God to enter the city god's office. But Mr. Song, on the grounds of filial piety to his mother, begged to go for work after the death of his mother. What he did moved God who allowed him to return to life to show his filial piety to his mother. 002耳中人 一个秀才因练功而疯掉,令人哭笑不得,但是道理却实实在在,那就是办事要专心,否则必然失败。 A scholar got crazy because of Kungfu practice, which made people laugh and cry, but the truth is real, namely we must concentrate whatever we do, otherwise it will fail. 003尸变 此篇写了两个惊心动魄的情节,生动地记叙了一件世间罕见的尸变怪事,客观描写了女尸残害三位客人的全过程。其实,文中通过诈尸的民间传说,讲述了古代女性在家庭中的悲惨地位。 This article wrote a rare thrilling story about a boucing female corpse who killed three men. In fact, this story tells us the ancient women’s tragic status in their families through the folklore about boucing corpse. 004 喷水 本篇借助于女鬼喷水的故事,告诉世人什么叫人言可畏。与此同时警告世人千万不要相信谣言,更不要传播谣言。 With the help of the story about the female ghost spraying water, this article tells us that gossip is a fearful thing. At the same time, it warns people not to believe rumors, let alone spread rumors. 005瞳人语 才子方栋为人轻佻,品行不端,偷看女子,惹祸上身,但念经多日,心无杂念,改过自新,终得圆满。故事寓意深刻,警示世人要自律、自重,品德高尚,切勿心怀不轨,恣意妄为,自取其辱。 As a scholar, Fang Dong was so frivolous and misbehaving that he should peep at women. His action caused troubles, but later on he kept chanting for many days with no evil thoughts so he was completely reformed. The moral of the story is profound. It warned the people to self-discipline and self-respect with noble moral characters but do not harbor evil and arbitrary, otherwise they will get self-humiliation. 006画壁 讲述了清代朱孝廉与图画中散花天女的离合,表现了凡人向往奇遇的美好愿望和幻境消失的怅然之情。 It tells the story of the separation and union between Zhu Xiaolian in the Qing Dynasty and the flower scattering fairy in the picture. It shows the good desire of ordinary people to yearn for adventures and the wistful feeling about the disappearance of fantasy. 007山魈 男子夜宿寺庙,突遇山魈,即“形似人而色黑,身长丈余”的野人。通过智斗,他逃过一劫。这个故事告诉世人,事可乱,心不可乱。男子正是因为遇事心不乱,才能通过智斗逃过此劫,可谓心态决定命运。 The man was sleeping in a temple when he came across a mandrill, a "human-like, black, long-bodied savage." By outwitting, he escaped death. This story tells the world that things can be messy but the heart can not be messy. The man was not in trouble and escaped the disaster through wisdom. It can be said that the state of mind determines the fate. 008咬鬼 不少人都碰见过“鬼压身”现象,这实际是一种睡眠障碍症,正规的学名叫做“睡眠瘫痪症”。本篇讲的就是这样的故事。其實,鬼也欺軟怕硬,碰到比自己厲害的人,也就只有逃跑的份。 Many people have encountered the phenomenon of "ghost pressure", which is actually a kind of sleep disorder. The formal scientific name is called "sleep paralysis". This is just the story about this. In fact, ghosts also bully someone weak and fear someone powerful. If encountering someone more powerful than their own, they can also do nothing but run away. 009捉狐 孙老翁白天睡觉时,狐狸做祟,被孙老翁揪住,在斗智斗勇过程中,狐狸却跑掉了。 When the old man Mr. Sun was sleeping during the day, a fox made trouble. But finally it ran away during the battle of wits and courage. 010荞中怪 一个老人机智勇敢的与象征坏人的鬼作斗争,最后却因为准备不足而被杀。惨痛的事实告诉我们,遇到恶势力,不但要勇敢地站起来,还要机智的与之斗争,只有如此,方能不会白白地吃亏受欺负。 An old man bravely fought against the ghost who was a symbol of bad people but he was killed because of lack of preparation. The painful fact tells us that when we encounter evil forces, we should not only stand up bravely, but also fight with them tactfully. Only in this way can we avoid suffering losses and being bullied.
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