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聊斋智慧俳句 (51——60) - 朱其铠《全本新注聊斋志异》498篇
051地震 Earthquake 到朋友家做客恰逢地震。作者以时间为序,记下了历史上山东郯城地震时的切身感受和所见所闻。文章语言朴实精炼,描述生动细腻。 A visit to a friend's house coincided with an earthquake. In order of time, the author recorded his personal feelings and what he saw and heard during the Tancheng earthquake in Shandong Province in history. The language is simple and concise, and the description is vivid and delicate. It was a shock to be a guest.
052海公子 Sea prince 文章篇幅适中,情节惊险,引人入胜,讲述了张生受好奇心驱使,在一个人迹罕至的岛屿的奇遇。 The article is a modest, thrilling and engaging story about Zhang Sheng's curious adventures on a deserted island. Curiosity is excellent.
053丁前溪 Ding Qianxi 丁前溪家境富裕,是个喜欢游侠、急公好义的人。在一次远走他乡中,他住在旅舍,贫困的主人外出,只有娘子招待他。他视一茶一饭皆是恩,对滴水之恩,涌泉相报,对施恩者给予丰厚的回报。然而,施恩者的施恩却另有心机,此时的举动相形见绌。相比之下,丁前溪越发显得超凡脱俗。 Ding Qianxi came from a rich family. He was like chivalrous expert and was ready to stand out for justice. On a long trip, he stayed in a hostel. But his poor host went out and only his wife entertained him. He regarded every single cup of tea and a meal as grace. He returned the favor by giving generous rewards to the benefactor. However, the benefactor had another mind. In comparison and by contrast, Ding Qianxi looked all the more otherworldly. There is no need to talk about poverty.
054海大鱼 Big sea fish 东海的海边上,本来没有什么山。一天忽见海中峻岭重叠,连绵数里,大家都很惊讶奇怪。又一天,群山突然迁徙到别的地方去了,海边上又恢复了原来的样子,山全都不见了。人们传说海中有大鱼,应是海市蜃楼。 There were no mountains on the East China Sea. One day, everyone was surprised to see mountains in the sea overlapping with each other for several miles. One day, the mountains suddenly moved to another place, and the sea was restored to its original appearance, and the mountains were gone. People said that there were big fish in the sea, which should be a mirage. No mountain, but there were really mountians walking.
055张老相公 Old Mr. Zhang 张老相公报仇心切,杀掉了鼋怪。他胆大心细、不畏强暴,敢于破除迷信、挑战凶险,其崇高精神,让人们感戴万分。 Zhang took revenge and killed the turtle monster. He was brave and careful. Not afraid of atrocity, he dared to break superstition and challenge dangers. His noble spirit made people feel very grateful. Hate evil as one's enemy.
056水莽草 Poisonous herb 本篇讲述的是歹人利用毒草水莽草害人寻替死鬼的玄妙故事。但是本文女主人公却仗义勇为,演绎了一出回肠荡气的爱情故事。 This article tells us a mysterious story that the gangster tried to find a scapegoat by using poisonous herb. But in this paper, the heroine was brave enough to perform a stirring love story. Harm to others and to oneself at the end. 057造畜 Livestock-making 变人为畜,名曰“造畜”,其实这就是一种拐骗人口的诡计。 Turn a human into an animal. Being called "animal making", it is actually a trick to kidnap people. The trick is aimed at cheating people.
058凤阳士人 The scholar of Fengyang 凤阳县一个读书人和他妻子及妻弟共同做了一场灵异之梦。这是一场三人共同参与的出轨梦。 A scholar in Fengyang County had a supernatural dream together with his wife and brother-in-law. This is a cheating dream in which three people did a same unfaithful thing about love. Three people have a same dream.
059耿十八 The scholar of Fengyang 耿十八病危,想试探死后妻子是否能够守寡不再嫁人。妻子说他死后很难守寡。她虽然没有再往下说,但言外之意,必定再嫁。耿十八非常气愤,即便死后复活之后,依然对妻子耿耿于怀,再也不和她同床共枕了。 Geng Eighteen was dying and wanted to test whether his wife could be widowed till death. His wife said it was difficult to be widowed after his death. She did not go on saying anything more, but the implication was that she would marry again. Geng Eighteen was so angry that even after his death and resurrection he still resented his wife and would no longer share his bed with her.
The dying husband tried to draw secret out of his wife. Don't be in a hurry when speaking.
060珠儿 Zhuer 这篇小说,头绪纷繁,人物众多,仅有名称可指的人鬼就达十七个。虽然写的是李化一家的事,但旁及的人物事件远远超出其一家范围。 This novel is complicated with numerous characters. The number of these people alone could reach seventeen. Although it is written about Li Hua’s family, the characters and events were far beyond the scope of the family. There are strange and grotesque things.
-《海外南开人网》敬启 |
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