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聊斋智慧俳句 (71——80) - 朱其铠《全本新注聊斋志异》498篇
071九山王 King of nine mountains 狐狸精幻变的老叟以重金租住李生的房屋,其实租的是他家荒置的后园,虽然老叟一家大小近百口,但却没有给李家带来一丝不便.他们搬家建舍,没有一点动静,以至李生毫无知觉。此后,发生的一切就是一个狂妄者的失败,更是一个阴毒者的灭亡。 The old man who was actually a fox spirit rented Li's house with a lot of money. But in fact, he only rented the abandoned back garden of his family. Although the old man's family was nearly 100 in size, it did not bring any inconvenience to the Li family. They moved to build a house without any movement so that Li didn’t know it at all. After that, all that happened was the failure of a madman and the death of a vicious man. 善未得善报, No good is ever returned.
072遵化署狐 Zunhua fox 山东省诸城县官署一座楼里,狐狸聚族而居,把楼当成了家园,时常出来祸害人,驱逐它们反而闹得更厉害。新官丘公到任,经过大炮攻击,才终于消除了狐狸精的祸害。 In an office building in Zhucheng County, Shandong Province, a lot of foxes lived together and regarded the building as a home. They often came out to harm people, but evicting them made more troubles. After the arrival of the new official Mr. Qiu, the scourge of the fox was finally eliminated through artillery attacks. 神鬼怕恶者, The demons fear the evil ones.
073张诚 Zhang Cheng 张某恰逢战乱,其妻被清兵掳走。迁至河南再婚,生子张讷。岂料二任妻不久也离开人世,再婚生子张诚。父亲冷血无能,继母无良残忍,然而兄弟情深。在一段又一段神秘艰辛而又曲折的经历之后,可怜的张诚,因祸得福,兄弟团圆,皆大欢喜。 Zhang coincided with the war, and his wife was kidnapped by the Qing army. He moved to Henan and remarried and had a son, Zhang Ne. But the second wife soon also left the world, and then he got married again and got a child Zhang Cheng. The father was cold and incompetent and the stepmother was bad and cruel. But the two brothers had profound feelings. After a period of mysterious experience with hardships and many twists and turns, poor Zhang Cheng, a blessing in disguise, enjoyed brother reunion. Everyone was happy. 兄弟异母出, 兄弟真性情, Brothers were born by half mothers. Brothers had true temperament.
074汾州狐 Fenzhou fox 狐女与州判朱某结识时不畏朱某的厉声相加,能自重,不轻贱。相形之下,朱某做事总是的强人之难,显得很自私。人不如狐,这大概是此文的一个重要思想。 The fox female and the state judge Zhu got to know. She was not afraid of Zhu's harsh voice. She could self-respect, but not mean. In contrast, Zhu always forced her to do things as a strong man, which is very selfish. Man is not as good as fox, which is probably an important idea of this article. 狐情热如火, The felling of the fox was as hot as fire.
075巧娘 Qiqoniang 广东省有一个富家子,天生身体残疾不能生育。但是他在逃学遇鬼之后,经过鬼母神奇的治疗,恢复男儿身,最终与巧娘人鬼和谐相处而终老。 There was a boy from a rich family in Guangdong Province. Born with physical disability, he could not bear children. But when he was in truant and met a female ghost Qiaoniang. Because of the magical treatment given by the ghost mother, he restoreed his male body and got along very well with Qiaoniang. And finally, the human and the ghost lived a happy life in harmony. 好鬼胜恶人, A good ghost is better than an evil man.
076吴令 Magistrate of Wu County 吴县有给城隍过生日的风俗,但因为耗资太多,成了百姓一大祸害。后来新县令上任,听到百姓怨声载道,就下令取缔了这个风俗。 Wu County had the custom of celebrating the birth day of the city god, but because it costed too much, it became a scourge to the people. Later, when the new county magistrate took office, he heard complaints from the people and ordered the custom to be banned. 都说新令好, They said the new order was good. 077口技 Oral stunts 女子为了赚钱以口技装神弄鬼骗人。这嘲讽了世间为求利益不择手段的人。但是,在后面加上一段对口技少年的描写,表达了对中国民间艺术的佩服。 A woman use oral stunts to make money. The author mocked the people who sought profits by whatever means which could be used. However, a description of a young ventriloquist was added at the end to express his admiration for Chinese folk art. 口技是块宝, Oral stunts are treasures.
078狐联 Couplets of fox 焦生在园内读书。一天夜里,有两个美人来到园里,挑逗书生。书生知道是狐狸精,于是严厉地说他生平不好二色,叫她们离开。反复挑逗不见效,大狐狸要和书生对对联,于是发生了有趣的故事。 A scholar Jiao was reading in the garden. One night, two beauties came to the garden to tease him. The scholar knew it was a fox, so he said sternly that he did not like to love the second woman asked them to leave. Repeated flirting did not work, the elder fox wanted to write couplets with the scholar, so the interesting story happened. 硬要有本钱, Insist on having capital,
079滩水狐 Old fox 李姓有一别墅。有老翁求租。两家往来友好。关系亲密之后,老翁说自己是狐狸精。结果闹得满城风雨,众人纷纷求见。本篇讲的就是随后发生的神奇故事。 Li had a villa. An old man asked for rent. The two families are on friendly terms. After a close relationship, the old man said he was a fox. As a result, the city was full of wind and rain, and everyone asked for a meeting. This is the magical story of what happened next. 狐鬼虽异类, Fox and ghosts are different kinds.
080红玉 Red Jade 狐女红玉帮助贫困书生冯相如娶到美丽善良的妻子。在冯家遭逢一系列惨不忍睹的变故后,她又帮相如抚育孩子,恢复家业。整个故事跌宕起伏,极尽腾挪突转的变化,因而情节曲折,扣人心弦,引人入胜,发人深思。 Fox girl Red Jade helped the poor scholar Feng Xiangru marry a beautiful and kind wife. After the Feng family encountered a series of tragic changes, she helped Xiangrou raise the children and restore the family business. Full of ups and downs, twists and turns, the whole story is so gripping, fascinating and thought-provoking. 人间遭变故, Calamity occurred in the world.
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