--- 知识就是力量 • 快乐有益健康
What are five health tips in your opinion?
- First and foremost is financial stability. If you are struggling in a financial manner, it is VERY hard to prioritize anything else.
- Next is mental health and emotional control of self. Finding thought life peace through not being emotionally highjacked by everything wrong in the world will allow you to focus on things that truly matter.
- Make healthy food choices. As your mom told you as a kid, you are what you eat. Avoid sugar, dairy, and empty carbs. Limit red meat and alcohol. Go all in on vegetables, beans, and other whole food plant based items.
- Be active every day. You don’t have to run 12 miles a day or hit the weight room for 8 hour sessions. Just get up and get moving. Go for a walk, garden, ride a bike, or whatever…just be active and get your lazy butt out from in front of the TV.
- Find a circle of friends that feed your soul. Fire the friends that steal your emotional energy. Feed into those that feed into you.
Alcohol and Aging 酒精与衰老(英/中)
How Alcohol Affects Your Body 酒精如何伤害你的身体 (英/中)