向反法西斯战争中的女英雄致敬 Jesus Ordosgoitty November 22, 2021 【编者注】列帕·斯维多扎拉·拉迪奇(Lepa Svetozara Radić)是南斯拉夫人民解放军的塞族血统姑娘,因在第二次世界大战反对轴心国的抵抗运动中发挥了作用而被授予人民英雄勋章,成为当时最年轻的受勋者。她在17岁时因向德军开枪而被处死。
Dear reader there is an image at the end that can hurt your sensitivity. In her last minutes of life, they offered to spare her life in exchange for the names of her accomplices, she refused saying: "I am not a traitor to my people. Those whom you ask will make themselves known when they have succeeded in annihilating all evildoers, every last one of them." This girl, barely 17 years old, was sentenced to the noose. I would like this to be known, this girl deserves that her story be told, thus without filters, so that they can see that she was not afraid of death, yes, but she was so brave that she preferred to be hanged before betraying her compatriots.
【附】请大家一起呼吁:祖国文明建设应从央视和国营媒体禁刊酒类广告做起。酒,从精神到肉体已经伤害了无数国人! |