Watch President Obama's Interview with WebMD Readers
President Obama sat down for an interview with WebMD to answer questions from consumers and discuss the importance of signing up for health insurance by March 31. In the days leading up to the interview, WebMD readers -- from young adults to seniors representing all 50 states -- submitted thousands of questions for the President.
Action for Our Workers: President Obama Signs Memorandum to Update Overtime Pay
Yesterday, in the East Room of the White House, President Obama signed a Presidential Memorandum directing Secretary of Labor Tom Perez to update and modernize America's overtime pay system, so that millions of our nation's salaried workers will have the protections of overtime pay.
Twenty Reasons to Get Covered, Seventeen Days Left to Enroll
There are just 17 days left to enroll in health care coverage before open enrollment ends on March 31. To mark the final days of open enrollment, here are 20 reasons to get covered. Check them out, then head over to