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Here's What's Happening Here at the White House

Monday, March 24, 2014


First Lady Michelle Obama, Her Daughters, and the Great Wall

Yesterday, First Lady Michelle Obama visited the Great Wall of China with her daughters. As she wrote in her Travel Journal:

We drove about an hour north of Beijing to a village called Mutianyu to visit a section of the Great Wall of China, which was simply breathtaking. The scenery on the way there was beautiful -- a wide vista of mountains and trees -- so the car ride alone was a treat. But then, running along the highest ridges of the mountains, you see it: The Great Wall -- one of the great marvels of human history.

Read more about the First Lady's trip to the Great Wall.

The First Lady and her daughters visit the Great Wall of China.

First Lady Michelle Obama and Malia and Sasha visit the Great Wall of China, March 22, 2014. (Official White House Photo by Amanda Lucidon)


  Top Stories

Weekly Address: Rewarding Women's Hard Work and Increasing the Minimum Wage

In this week's address, President Obama highlights the importance of making sure our economy rewards the hard work of every American -- including America's women.


West Wing Week 3/21/14 or, "24 Soldiers"

Last week, the President celebrated St. Patrick's Day alongside the Prime Minister of Ireland, continued to work toward a diplomatic resolution to the conflict in Ukraine, hosted Palestinian President Abbas, awarded 24 Medals of Honor, and traveled to Florida to speak on the importance of supporting working families.


Tell Us What You Think About Big Data and Privacy

The White House Office of Science and Technology Policy already released a formal Request for Information seeking comments from the public on the review of big data. But we want to make it even easier for you to participate in this important process.


  Today's Schedule

All times are Eastern Time (ET)

4:00 AM: The President arrives The Netherlands

4:45 AM: The President arrives The Rijksmuseum

4:50 AM: The President tours The Rijksmuseum

5:15 AM: The President holds a bilateral meeting with Prime Minister Rutte 

5:45 AM: The President delivers remarks with Prime Minister Rutte

7:45 AM: The President holds a bilateral meeting with President Xi Jinping of China

9:45 AM: The President arrives the World Forum at The Hague to participate in the Nuclear Security Summit

10:00 AM: The President attends the Opening Session

10:30 AM: The President attends the First Plenary Discussion

11:15 AM: The President attends a Scenario-Based Policy Discussion

1:30 PM: The President attends a G-7 leaders meeting

3:15 PM: The President arrives the Royal Palace

3:30 PM: The President participates in a family photo

3:35 PM: The President attends a working dinner with King Willem-Alexander

7:00 PM: The Vice President delivers remarks at the award celebration for the Toner Prize for Excellence in Political Reporting



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