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Here's What's Happening Here at the White House

Thursday, March 27, 2014


POTUS Speaks to European Youth

Yesterday, President Obama traveled to Belgium -- the second leg of his five-country trip to Europe and Saudi Arabia.

At the Palais des Beaux Arts (BOZAR) in Brussels, the President spoke to a crowd of young Europeans about the relationship between the United States and Europe. He discussed the history shared by the two regions, and how best to preserve the values and ideals that are central to the relationship.

Watch the President's remarks, and learn more about his week-long trip:

Watch President Obama speak in Brussels.


  Top Stories

The President Wants You to Get Covered Today: "Don't Just Think About It, Just Do It"

There are only four days left to get health insurance coverage for 2014 at before open enrollment ends on March 31. If you haven't signed up yet, the President wants you to get covered today.


The Minimum Wage and Tipped Minimum Wage: Important Tools to Lift Wages and Reduce Poverty, Particularly for Women

Over the past 30 years, modest minimum wage increases have not kept pace with the rising costs of basic necessities. Moreover, the tipped minimum wage -- the portion of wages that employers must cover for tipped workers -- has fallen steadily in value since 1991, and is now at historically low levels.


The First Lady's Travel Journal: Pandas!

Yesterday was the final day of First Lady Michelle Obama's trip to China, and she couldn't leave without one final stop: the Chengdu Panda Base.


  Today's Schedule

All times are Eastern Time (ET)

5:15 AM: The President arrives the Vatican

5:30 AM: The President has an audience with His Holiness Pope Francis

6:25 AM: The President meets with Vatican Secretary of State Cardinal Pietro Parolin

7:15 AM: The President arrives the Quirinal Palace

7:25 AM: The President participates in a restricted bilateral meeting with President Giorgio Napolitano of Italy 

7:40 AM: The President participates in an expanded bilateral meeting with President Giorgio Napolitano of Italy

8:05 AM: The President attends a working lunch with President Giorgio Napolitano of Italy

9:20 AM: The President arrives Villa Madama

9:25 AM: The President participates in a bilateral meeting with Prime Minister Matteo Renzi of Italy

10:35 AM: The President holds a joint press conference with Prime Minister Matteo Renzi of Italy

11:40 AM: The President tours The Colosseum 

1:30 PM: The President meets with employees and families of the U.S. Tri-Mission to Italy, The Holy See, and the UN Agencies in Rome

1:30 PM: The Vice President delivers remarks to the U.S. Hispanic Chamber of Commerce's 2014 Legislative Summit WATCH LIVE



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