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Here's What's Happening Here at the White House

Saturday, March 29, 2014


Weekly Address: Raise the Minimum Wage -- It's the Right Thing to Do for Hardworking Americans

In this week's address, Vice President Biden discusses the importance of raising the federal minimum wage. It's good for workers, it's good for business, and it would help close the gender pay gap, as women make up more than half of the workers who stand to benefit from a raise. And as the Vice President highlights, Congress should boost the federal minimum wage because it’s what a majority of the American people want.

Click here to watch this week's Weekly Address.

Watch: Vice President Biden delivers the Weekly Address


  Weekly Wrap Up

FLOTUS Shows Us How She Moves in China

While visiting Xi'an, China, First Lady Michelle Obama was greeted by local kids and students performing music, double dutch jump roping, flying kites, and more. Of course, the First Lady couldn't resist getting in on the fun and showing the kids how she moves.

@FLOTUS Tweet: #LetsMove in China: The First Lady jumps rope with kids at the Xi'an City Wall.


Six Days, Five Countries, One POTUS

President Obama spent this week across the pond, meeting with European leaders in the Netherlands, Belgium, Italy, and Vatican City, before traveling to Saudi Arabia to meet with King Abdullah. Deputy National Security Advisor for Strategic Communications Ben Rhodes took some time earlier this week to go over the President's schedule and the goals of the trip.

Video player: President Obama's six-day, five-country trip.

While in Vatican City, President Obama had an audience with His Holiness Pope Francis. Here's what the President said about their meeting, "I would say that the largest bulk of the time was discussing two central concerns of his. One is the issues of the poor, the marginalized, those without opportunity, and growing inequality. ... And then we spent a lot of time talking about the challenges of conflict and how elusive peace is around the world."


Join the Six Million Who've Already Signed Up -- Get Covered

Extra! Extra! Read all about it! Over six million Americans have signed up for private health insurance plans.

@WhiteHouse Tweet: BREAKING: More than 6 million peoplehave signed up for private health plans.

Are you one of the six million? If not, what are you doing? There's only TWO days left to get covered before open enrollment ends on March 31. Head over to to get covered now!


As always, to see even more of this week's events, watch this week's episode of West Wing Week:

Video Player: West Wing Week




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