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Here's What's Happening Here at the White House

Saturday, April 05, 2014


Weekly Address: The President's Budget Ensures Opportunity for All Hardworking Americans

In this week's address, the President highlighted the important differences between the budget he's put forward -- built on opportunity for all -- and the budget House Republicans are advocating for, which stacks the deck against the middle class.

Click here to watch this week's Weekly Address.

Watch: President Obama delivers the Weekly Address


  Weekly Wrap Up

7.1 Million Americans: Covered

The numbers don't lie -- the Affordable Care Act is working. By the end of open enrollment on March 31, 7.1 million Americans had signed up for coverage.

@WhiteHouse tweet:

In a Rose Garden speech, President Obama celebrated the news. "The bottom line is this: under this law, the share of Americans with insurance is up and the growth of health care costs is down, and that's good for our middle class and that's good for our fiscal future."


The First Lady and Local Students Plant the White House Kitchen Garden

Spring is definitely here as the White House Kitchen Garden is growing again. First Lady Michelle Obama invited local students to join her for the sixth-annual planting of the garden earlier this week, making sure the White House will have a fresh crop of healthy fruits and vegetables in the months ahead.

@LetsMove tweet:

The First Lady started planting the garden in 2009 to start a nationwide conversation on healthy eating and, according to a report released by the National Gardening Association, 2 million more households are engaging in community gardening now than in 2008 -- a 200 percent increase.


POTUS Rallies Wolverines Around Raising the Wage

The President traveled to Ann Arbor, Michigan on Wednesday to speak to a crowd filled with University of Michigan Wolverines about his March Madness bracket, a famous local deli named Zingerman's, and, of course, the importance of raising the national minimum wage.

Video player: President Obama speaks to a crowd at UMich

"Nobody who works full-time should be raising their family in poverty, right? If you're working, if you're responsible, you should be able to pay the rent, pay the bills," said President Obama. "But... all across the country you can work full-time on the minimum wage and still be in poverty."


Team USA Stops by the White House

U.S. Olympians and Paralympians who competed in Sochi earlier this year visited the White House this week, spending time touring the grounds, playing with Bo and Sunny, and hearing from the President and First Lady.

@USOlympic tweet:

Read on to watch the President and First Lady's remarks to the athletes and to see some of Team USA's tweets and Instagram posts.


Hop to the White House Easter Egg Roll Social

Are you a social butterfly? Do you have kids ages 5-13? Want to visit the White House? The 136th-annual White House Easter Egg Roll is just around the corner, and you are invited.

@FLOTUS tweet:

Sign up for your chance to hop around on the South Lawn and join in the fun.


As always, to see even more of this week's events, watch this week's episode of West Wing Week:

Video player: West Wing Week




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