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Here's What's Happening Here at the White House

Saturday, May 31, 2014


Weekly Address: Reducing Carbon Pollution in Our Power Plants

In this week's address, President Obama discussed new actions by the Environmental Protection Agency to cut dangerous carbon pollution, a plan that builds on the efforts already taken by many states, cities and companies. These new commonsense guidelines to reduce carbon pollution from power plants were created with feedback from businesses, and state and local governments, and they would build a clean energy economy while reducing carbon pollution.

The President discussed this new plan from the Children's National Medical Center in Washington, D.C., where he visited children whose asthma is aggravated by air pollution. As a parent, the President said he is dedicated to make sure our planet is cleaner and safer for future generations.

Click here to watch this week's Weekly Address.

Watch: President Obama delivers the weekly address

  Top Stories

Helping Young People Stay on Track

Three months ago, President Obama launched My Brother's Keeper -- a new initiative to ensure that America's boys and young men of color reach their full potential. And yesterday, the My Brother's Keeper Task Force released a report on its progress over the initiative's first 90 days.

Video player: My Brother's Keeper

Learn more about the initiative -- and find out how you can get involved in your own community.


"America Must Always Lead"

On Wednesday, President Obama traveled to West Point to congratulate the newest officers in the U.S. Army and to reflect on America's foreign policy agenda. The President acknowledged that our world is changing with accelerating speed and that America must be equipped to respond to an increasingly dynamic environment.

The President at West Point

President Obama stressed that the United States is a global leader -- a nation that "must always lead on the world stage."


President Obama's 'Inner Nerd' Comes Out at the White House Science Fair

Auto-retracting bridges made of Legos, remote-controlled search-and-rescue robots, and a 12 year-old who already has two patents. Those were just a few of the highlights from the fourth-ever White House Science Fair on Tuesday, which featured some of the nation's brightest and most innovative young scientists.

The Fourth-Ever White House Science Fair

The President spent almost an hour chatting with the participants, calling the event "one of my favorite things all year long."


Ending the War in Afghanistan

In the White House Rose Garden on Tuesday, President Obama talked about the United States' next steps in Afghanistan, and how "we will bring America's longest war to a responsible end."

Bringing Our Troops Home

"When I took office, we had nearly 180,000 troops in harm's way," President Obama said. "By the end of this year, we will have less than 10,000."


Honoring Our Veterans on Memorial Day

Hours after returning from a surprise visit to Afghanistan, President Obama traveled across the Potomac to Arlington National Cemetery to honor fallen servicemembers and their families.

President Obama Honoring Our Veterans

The President laid a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier and closed his remarks by saying that Memorial Day is a day to "rededicate ourselves to our sacred obligations to all who wear America's uniform, and to the families who stand by them, always."


As always, to see even more of this week's events, watch the latest episode of West Wing Week:

Video player: West Wing Week




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