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Here's What's Happening Here at the White House

Monday, July 28, 2014



Another Win for the Affordable Care Act

Today, the Medicare program's Boards of Trustees released their annual report -- and it's certainly good news: The Medicare Trust Fund will last until 2030.

Just five years ago, in 2009, the Trustees predicted that the Trust Fund -- which helps pay for Medicare benefits and administration -- would become insolvent in 2017. Since then, the life of the Trust Fund has been extended an additional 13 years, thanks to the Affordable Care Act and other reforms.

See what this all means for you, and learn about how the Affordable Care Act is continuing to improve the lives of many Americans.

Facts on the Medicare Trust Fund

  Top Stories

Boosting Our Global Competitiveness: It's Time to Invest in America's Roads, Rails, and Bridges

Jeffrey Zients, the Director of the National Economic Council and Assistant to the President for Economic Policy, makes the case for investing in our nation's infrastructure.


Weekly Address: Closing Corporate Tax Loopholes

In this week's address, the President continued his call for our nation to rally around an economic patriotism that says rather than protecting wasteful tax loopholes for a few at the top, we should be investing in things like education and job training that grow the economy for everybody.


Weekly Wrap Up: Astronauts, "Inversions," and the VP and a White Board

It was a busy week at the White House: some astronauts stopped by the White House (hint: think 1969), we talked about "inversions," the President awarded the Medal of Honor, and the Vice President got a marker and white board and gave us a little bit of history on our nation's infrastructure.


  Today's Schedule

All times are Eastern Time (ET)

11:10 AM: The President participates in a town hall at the Summit of the Washington Fellowship for Young African Leaders

1:00 PM: Press Briefing by Press Secretary Josh Earnest

3:05 PM: The President awards the 2013 National Medal of Arts and National Humanities Medal; the First Lady also attends

4:15 PM: The Vice President meets with Foreign Minister Pavlo Klimkin of Ukraine




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