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Here's What's Happening Here at the White House

Thursday, November 13, 2014



President Obama Wraps Up His Visit to China

This week, the President is traveling to Asia and Australia to highlight our country's trade and investment ties to the region, and its critical role in our future economic growth and generating American jobs.

President Obama's first stop was Beijing, China, where he attended the 2014 APEC Leaders' Summit, met with leaders of countries in the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), and made historic progress on climate change with Chinese President Xi Jinping.

Get an all-access look at the President's time in Beijing here.

See more from the President's trip here.

  Top Stories

#AskDrH: The President's Science Advisor Is Answering Your Questions on Climate Change

Dr. John P. Holdren, Director of the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, wants to answer any questions that you have about climate change -- what it means, how bad it actually is, and what we can do to fight it.


Getting Ready for Open Enrollment:

With just two days to go until the start of Open Enrollment, Secretary of Health and Human Services Sylvia Mathews Burwell shares what her Department has been doing to expand access to quality, affordable coverage to more people and to lay the groundwork for a successful Open Enrollment.


Get Off the Sidelines: It's On Us

Our responsibility is to get off of the sidelines. Don't just be a bystander: Intervene when you see someone who might be at risk of sexual assault. That's what this It's On Us message -- narrated by actor Jon Hamm -- is all about.


  Today's Schedule

All times are Eastern Time (ET)

12:15 AM: The President participates in an U.S.-ASEAN session

1:45 AM: The President attends a bilateral meeting with Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung of Vietnam

3:10 AM: The President participates in a Roundtable at the Parliamentary Resource Center

7:45 AM: The President holds a bilateral meeting with President Thein Sein of Burma

9:30 AM: The Vice President delivers remarks to the AFL-CIO and American Federation of Teachers (AFT) Summit on Career and Technical Education (CTE) & Workforce Development

1:00 PM: The Vice President, Ebola Response Coordinator Ron Klain, and Senior Advisor Valerie Jarrett meet with faith, humanitarian, and NGO groups as part of the Administration's response to Ebola

10:10 PM: The President departs Naypyitaw en route Rangoon

11:05 PM: The President arrives Rangoon

11:40 PM: The President tours the Secretariat Building





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