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Here's What's Happening Here at the White House

Saturday, November 15, 2014


Open Enrollment Starts Today

In this week’s address, the President reminded Americans that Affordable Care Act open enrollment begins this weekend. In the past year more than 10 million people have gained health insurance, including more than seven million who enrolled in Health Insurance Marketplace coverage. They are proof that the Affordable Care Act is working, making health care more affordable, accessible, and of higher quality for millions of people. The President encouraged all Americans to take advantage of open enrollment, and remind their friends and families to do so as well.

Click here to watch this week's Weekly Address.

Need health insurance? Go to right now.

Watch: President Obama delivers the weekly address.

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The Week in Six Minutes: "The Future That We See"

This week, the President issued a statement on net neutrality, and convened both congressional leaders and his Cabinet to discuss the agenda in the years ahead. He also dove into an eight-day trip to China, Burma, and Australia to foster deeper relations with countries around the Pacific and open up markets and opportunities for businesses here at home.

See more from the President's trip here.


President Obama Wraps Up His Visit to China

This week, the President is traveling to Asia and Australia to highlight our country's trade and investment ties to the region, and its critical role in our future economic growth and generating American jobs.

President Obama's first stop was Beijing, China, where he attended the 2014 APEC Leaders' Summit, met with leaders of countries in the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), and made historic progress on climate change with Chinese President Xi Jinping.

See more from the President's trip here.


A Free and Open Internet

The Internet has unlocked possibilities that we could just barely imagine a generation ago. A big reason why we've seen such incredible growth and innovation is "net neutrality" -- the principle that says Internet service providers (ISPs) should treat all Internet traffic equally.

That's why President Obama asked the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to implement the strongest possible rules to protect net neutrality. The President's plan would reclassify consumer broadband services under what's known as Title II of the Telecommunications Act, and would work to "ensure the network works for everyone -- not just one or two companies.”

Watch the President's full remarks here.






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