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蔡文美 蔡文美,浙江宁波人. 1959年考入南开大学外文系, 因病於1960年休学两年, 1962年加入我们班。到我们班后,立刻显示她是班上英语发音最好的同学之一,如其他人还有刘秀清等。 从此她经常利用课余时间帮助同班同学纠正发音。1965年毕业后分配到北京第二外国语学院任教。1980年调北京外贸学院讲授英语.1982年起应中央人民广播电台邀请,担任《星期日广播英语》栏目主持人。1986年在美国俄亥俄州立大学广播电视台工作; 1991年应泰德沃特与高山帝国大学邀请赴美讲学;1992年评为教授。1996年曾获广电部文科优秀科研成果二等奖。 1997年参加瑞典"妇女管理"培训班讲课;1998年参加"德国之声"国际台主办的广播妇女管理培训班。1993年起享受国务院专家特殊津贴待遇。 现为中国传媒大学(北京广播学院前身)教授。
想起蔡文美老师作者:倩倩 昨天下午的专业英语课,听说换了一个老师。坐在教室里等了半天,就在上课铃声响起的前两分钟 ,进来一位中年妇女,穿着很朴素。当铃声响起,她开始讲课。只是开了个头就被打断了。因为进来了一大群同学。互相聊天打招呼的,找座位的,乱成一团。她只是拿着麦克不说话。当整个教室都安静下来,她开口了,发音清晰而准确。她说,我已经65岁了。哇,大家都不敢相信,因为她看起来只有45岁的样子。接着她说,我在60岁的时候退休,现在学校又让我回来上课,可是40多年的教学生涯已经把我的嗓子搞坏了,我不能大声说话。而且我的背部疼痛。院办的孟老师找到我,说你们对专业英语课有很多意见,我不知道你们是真的有意见还是孟老师创造出了一些意见,好来让我上课。说到这里她笑了,我们也会心地笑了。因为大家真的对课程有意见啊,我们认为上课的老师发音不好。别看蔡老师年级很大,但是只要听她说话,就知道我们的思想之间距离很小。她说到她那个年代和我们这个年代的区别,学英语的方式,她还提到年轻人的学习能力强,成长快,提高快,所以我们应该对我们的英语老师给予宽容。当听着蔡老师说话,觉得一切的问题都不再是问题,她那么慈祥、睿智,透着一种可靠和信任。一个半小时的时间,大家都那么安静,当她说累了,要结束课程时,大家不约而同地鼓起掌来。衷心希望蔡老师健康长寿。
《媒介公正-道德伦理问题真的不证自明吗?》 (第五版) ![]() 作者:(美)克里斯蒂安等
Mary Shelley (née Mary Wollstonecraft Godwin; 30 August 1797 – 1 February 1851) was a British novelist, short story writer, dramatist, essayist, biographer, and travel writer, best known for her Gothic novel Frankenstein: or, The Modern Prometheus (1818). She also edited and promoted the works of her husband, the Romantic poet and philosopher Percy Bysshe Shelley. Mary Shelley lived a literary life. Her father encouraged her to learn to write by composing letters,and her favourite occupation as a child was writing stories. Unfortunately, all of Mary's juvenilia were lost when she ran off with Percy in 1814, and none of her surviving manuscripts can be definitively dated before that year. Her first published work is often thought to have been Mounseer Nongtongpaw, comic verses written for Godwin's Juvenile Library when she was ten and a half; however, the poem is attributed to another writer in the most recent authoritative collection of her works. Percy Shelley enthusiastically encouraged Mary Shelley's writing: "My husband was, from the first, very anxious that I should prove myself worthy of my parentage, and enrol myself on the page of fame. He was forever inciting me to obtain literary reputation.
Frankenstein; or, the Modern Prometheus, generally known as Frankenstein, is a novel written by Mary Shelley. Shelley started writing Frankenstein when she was 18 and finished when she was 19. The first edition was published anonymously in London in 1818. Shelley's name appears on the second edition, published in 1831. The title of the novel refers to a scientist, Victor, who learns how to create life and creates a being in the likeness of man, but larger than average and more powerful. In popular culture, people have tended to refer to the Creature as "Frankenstein", despite this being the name of the scientist. Frankenstein is infused with some elements of the Gothic novel and the Romantic movement. It was also a warning against the expansion of modern man in the Industrial Revolution, alluded to in the novel's subtitle, The Modern Prometheus. The story has had an influence across literature and popular culture and spawned a complete genre of horror stories and films. It is often considered the first fully realized science fiction novel due to its pointed, if gruesome, focus on playing God by creating life from dead flesh.
Plot of FrankensteinFrankenstein begins with the epistolary technique of a correspondence between Captain Robert Walton and his sister. These letters form the framework of the story in which Walton tells his sister the story of Victor Frankenstein and his creature as Frankenstein tells it to him. Walton sets out to explore the North Pole and expand his scientific knowledge in hopes of achieving fame and friendship. Unfortunately, the ship becomes trapped in ice. One day, the crew observes a being in the stature of a giant man in the distance on a dogsled. Frankenstein was in pursuit of his monster, when all but one of his dogs from his dogsled died. He broke apart his dogsled to make oars to row an ice-raft toward the vessel. Hours later they find Frankenstein, weak and in need of sustenance, near the ship. Saved by the kind occupants of the ship, Frankenstein starts to recover from his exertion and recounts to Walton his story, warning Walton of the wretched effects of allowing your ambition to push you to aim beyond what you are capable of achieving. Victor Frankenstein begins by telling Walton of his childhood. Frankenstein was raised by a wealthy family, and was always encouraged to seek a greater understanding of the world around him (but not science), whilst remaining in a safe environment surrounded by loving family and friends. Frankenstein grew up with close ties to Elizabeth Lavenza, his orphaned cousin brought to his family who is raised with Frankenstein like a sister, and his friend Henry Clerval. As a young boy, Frankenstein becomes obsessed with studying outdated theories of science that focus on achieving natural wonders. He plans to attend college at Ingolstadt, Germany when a week before departure his mother dies of Scarlet Fever. The whole family is in grief, and Frankenstein views it as his first misfortune. At college, he excels at chemistry and other sciences and discovers the secret to imbuing the inanimate with life, in part by studying how life decays. He also becomes interested in galvanism, a technique discovered in the 1790s. In contrast with later film adaptations the monster in the original novelization was not created from dead body parts. In fact Frankenstein himself concedes that he later found that reversing death was impossible. While the exact details of the monster's construction are left ambiguous Shelley's depiction of the monster is akin to that of a golem. Frankenstein explains that he has been forced to make the monster much larger than a normal man, in part because of the difficulty in replicating the minute parts of the human body. After giving the monster life, Frankenstein, disgusted by and fearful of the monster's appearance, flees. Henry Clerval comes to Ingolstadt to study with Frankenstein, but ends up nursing him after his exhausting and secretive efforts to create a human life. Frankenstein recovers from his illness in a fortnight. He determines to come home, for his five-year-old brother William has been found murdered. After several harsh encounters with humans, the monster becomes afraid of them and spends a year living near a cottage and observing the family who lived there. Through these observations he becomes educated and self-aware and realizes that he is very different in physical appearance from the humans he watches. In loneliness, the monster seeks the friendship of the family of cottagers(the De Laceys). The family was previously wealthy, but is forced into exile when Felix De Lacey rescues the father of his love, Safie. The father, a Turkish merchant, was wrongfully accused of a crime and sentenced to death, obviously because of racism. When the man is rescued, he promises Felix the hand of Safie. But, he loathes the idea of his beloved daughter marrying a Christian and flees. Safie comes back, though, eager for the freedom of European women. Eventually, the monster tries to befriend the family, but they are afraid of him, and this rejection makes him seek vengeance against his creator. He travels to Geneva and meets a little boy in the woods. In the vain hope that because the boy is still young and potentially unaffected by older humans' perception of his hideousness, the monster hopes to kidnap him and keep him as a companion, but the boy reveals himself as a relation of Frankenstein, so the monster kills him in his first act of vengeance against his creator. The monster plants a necklace he removes from the child's body on a sleeping girl, Justine Moritz, the Frankenstein's trusted servant who is like a member of the family. She is found with the necklace and knowing she is not guilty, admits to the murder. She then is put on trial and executed. When Frankenstein learns of his brother's death, he returns to Geneva to be with his family. In the woods where his young brother is murdered, Frankenstein sees the monster and becomes sure that he is William's and Justine's murderer. Frankenstein, ravaged by his grief and guilt for creating the monster who wreaked so much destruction, retreats into the mountains alone to find peace. After a time in solitude, the monster approaches Frankenstein. Initially furious and intending to kill it, Frankenstein composes himself upon the monster's pleading. The monster delves into a lengthy narrative of his short life, beginning with his creation, which fashions an impression of him as an initially harmless innocent whom humans abused into wretchedness. He concludes his story with a demand that Frankenstein create for him a female counterpart, reasoning that no human will accept his existence and character due to his hideous outer appearance. He argues that as a living thing, he has a right to happiness and that Frankenstein, as his creator, has the duty to facilitate it. He promises to never reappear in his life if Frankenstein does so. Frankenstein, fearing for his family, reluctantly agrees and travels to England to do his work. Clerval accompanies Frankenstein, but they separate in Scotland. In the process of creating a second being on the Orkney Islands, Frankenstein becomes plagued by the notion of the carnage another monster could wreak and destroys the unfinished project. The monster vows revenge on Frankenstein's upcoming wedding night. Before Frankenstein returns to Ireland, the monster murders Clerval. Once arriving in Ireland, Frankenstein is imprisoned for the crime, and falls violently ill. After being acquitted and back to health, Frankenstein returns home. Once home, Frankenstein marries his cousin Elizabeth and, in full knowledge of and belief in the monster's threat, prepares for a fight to the death with the monster. He doesn't want Elizabeth to be frightened at the sight of the monster, so he asks her to stay in her room for the night. Instead, the monster kills Elizabeth; the grief of his wife's, William's, Justine's, Clerval's, and Elizabeth's deaths kills Frankenstein's father. After that, Frankenstein vows to pursue the monster until one destroys the other. Over months of pursuit, the two end up in the Arctic Circle near the North Pole. Here, Frankenstein's narrative ends and Captain Walton reassumes the telling of the story. A few days after Frankenstein finishes his story, Walton and his crew decide to turn back and go home, since they cannot break through the ice. As Frankenstein dies, the monster appears in his room. Walton hears the monster's sorrowful justification for his vengeance as well as expressions of remorse before he leaves the ship and travels toward the Pole to destroy himself on his own funeral pyre so that none would ever know of his existence.
Mary Shelley's Poems:
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