译者: 刘士聪 / 谷启楠
统一书号: 7109-2072
出版社: 湖南人民出版社
出版时间: 1986年12月
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刘士聪 刘士聪,天津人,南开大学外国语学院英语系教授。1965年毕业于南开大学外文系英语专业,分配到天津外国语学校任教。1970 年调往天津下瓦房中学。1975年赴巴基斯坦参加援建工作,任翻译。1979年调入南开大学外文系任教,2003年退休。1987至1988年在美国堪萨斯大学英语系进修。历任南开大学英语系讲师、副教授、教授、副系主任。1997至2000年任南开大学外国语学院院长。多年担任英语专业本科生阅读、写作、翻译等课程教学,研究生文学翻译等课程教学,并从事散文汉英翻译与研究。1997年获国务院颁发的政府特殊津贴,2009年获中国翻译协会授予的“资深翻译家”荣誉称号。 主要著述包括:论文《论〈红楼梦〉文化内容的翻译》,专著《文学翻译与语言审美》,论文集《红楼译评——〈红楼梦〉翻译研究论文集》(主编),译著《《英汉·汉英美文翻译与鉴赏》、《中国古代经典名句英译》、《英语经典散文翻译与赏析》、《Confucius》、《Recluse of the Heavenly House》、《红色的英勇标志》、《白牙》、《钢琴师》、《小城畸人》、《皇帝的孩子》(刘士聪翻译的《皇帝的孩子》2008年获21世纪年度最佳外国小说奖)及《修补匠》等。
![]() 刘士聪近照 |
![]() 刘士聪,1965 |
谷启楠、 和女兒劉學雷全家承德旅游,2022年夏
分组毕业照前排左二为刘士聪 1965
刘士聪收藏的清代琵琶, 2012年
《命运的挑战者》作者: [加] 莱斯利·斯克里夫纳
译者: 刘士聪 / 谷启楠 统一书号: 7109-2072 |
《编校、著作指南:编者、作者、出版者必读》作者: (英)布彻(Butcher,J.) ISBN: 9787302133117
Recluse of the Heavenly House (《听画》)译者:刘士聪 |
《阅读与翻译》 ![]() 作者: 刘士聪,任淑坤 编著 ISBN: 9787810973984 出版社: 河北大学出版社 出版日期: 2009-6-1 |
The Sworder(《扬子江摇篮曲》)译者:刘士聪 |
Confucius 《孔子》 译者:刘士聪 |
作者: 王玉琦 ISBN: 9787530520536 |
Lao Zi 《老子》 译者:刘士聪 《命运的挑战者》作者: [加] 莱斯利·斯克里夫纳
译者: 刘士聪 / 谷启楠 统一书号: 7109-2072
Anglo-Irish Satirist, Essayist, Poet Jonathan Swift (1667-1745) |
Jonathan Swift was born at No. 7, Hoey's Court, Dublin, and was the second child and only son of Jonathan Swift (a second cousin of John Dryden) and wife Abigail Erick (or Herrick), paternal grandson of Thomas Swift and wife Elizabeth Dryden, daughter of Nicholas Dryden (brother of Sir Erasmus Dryden, 1st Baronet Dryden) and wife Mary Emyley. His father was Irish born and his mother was born in England. Swift arrived seven months after his father's untimely death. Most of the facts of Swift's early life are obscure, confused and sometimes contradictory. It is widely believed that his mother returned to England when Jonathan was still very young, then leaving him to be raised by his father's family. His uncle Godwin took primary responsibility for the young Jonathan, sending him with one of his cousins to Kilkenny College. In 1682 he attended Dublin University (Trinity College, Dublin), receiving his B.A. in 1686. Swift was studying for his Master's degree when political troubles in Ireland surrounding the Glorious Revolution forced him to leave for England in 1688, where his mother helped him get a position as secretary and personal assistant of Sir William Temple at Moor Park, Farnham. Temple was an English diplomat who, having arranged the Triple Alliance of 1668. Jonathan Swift was an Anglo-Irish satirist, essayist, political pamphleteer (first for Whigs then for the Tories), poet and cleric who became Dean of St. Patrick's Cathedral, Dublin. He is remembered for works such as Gulliver's Travels, A Modest Proposal, A Journal to Stella, Drapier's Letters, The Battle of the Books, An Argument Against Abolishing Christianity, and A Tale of a Tub. Swift is probably the foremost prose satirist in the English language, and is less well known for his poetry. Swift originally published all of his works under pseudonyms—such as Lemuel Gulliver, Isaac Bickerstaff, M.B. Drapier—or anonymously. He is also known for being a master of two styles of satire: the Horatian and Juvenalian styles.
【刘士聪按语】下面这段文字取自容闳的 “My Life in China and America”。容闳(1828--1912) 英文名字 Yung Wing。1847年赴美留学,1850年入耶鲁大学, 1854毕业,第一个从耶鲁毕业的中国留学生。后回国,全力促使清政府派留学生赴美。先是征得曾国藩的意见,后同李鸿章联名上书清政府,促成我国第一批幼童赴美留学。但腐败的清政府听信谣言,在没有征求容闳意见的情况下,中途撤回留学生。这是耶鲁大学校长 Porter 代表其他几个学校校长给满清总理衙门写的一封信,属外交信件,但语言坦率而不失尊严。读读信中一百多年以前的英语,体会其坦率而富有尊严的外交辞令,以丰富我们的英语语言知识。 To The Tsung Li Yamun “The undersigned, who have been instructors, guardians and friends of the students who were sent to this country under the care of the Chinese Educational Commission, beg leave to represent: “That they exceedingly regret that these young men have been withdrawn from the country, and that the Educational Commission has been dissolved. “So far as we have had opportunity to observe, and can learn from the representations of others, the young men have generally made a faithful use of their opportunities, and have made good progress in the studies assigned to them, and in the knowledge of the language, ideas, arts and institutions of the people of this country. “With scarcely a single exception, their morals have been good; their manners have been singularly polite and decorous, and their behavior has been such as to make friends for themselves and their country in the families, the schools, the cities and villages in which they have resided. “In these ways they have proved themselves eminently worthy of the confidence which has been reposed in them to represent their families and the great Chinese Empire in a land of strangers. Though children and youths, they have seemed always to understand that the honor of their race and their nation was committed to their keeping. As the result of their good conduct, many of the prejudices of ignorant and wicked men towards the Chinese have been removed, and more favorable sentiments have taken their place. “We deeply regret that the young men have been taken away just at the time when they were about to reap the most important advantages from their previous studies, and to gather in the rich harvest which their painful and laborious industry had been preparing for them to reap. The studies which most of them have pursued hitherto have been disciplinary and preparatory. The studies of which they have been deprived by their removal, would have been the bright flower and the ripened fruit of the roots and stems which have been slowly reared under patient watering and tillage. We have given to them the same knowledge and culture that we give to our own children and citizens. “As instructors and guardians of these young men, we should have welcomed to our schools and colleges the Commissioners of Education or their representatives and have explained to them our system and methods of instruction. In some cases, they have been invited to visit us, but have failed to respond to their invitations in person or by their deputies. “We would remind your honorable body that these students were originally received to our homes and our colleges by request of the Chinese government through the Secretary of State with the express desire that they might learn our language, our manners, our sciences and our arts. To remove them permanently and suddenly without formal notice or inquiry on the ground that as yet they had learned nothing useful to China when their education in Western institutions, arts and sciences is as yet incomplete, seems to us as unworthy of the great Empire for which we wish eminent prosperity and peace, as it is discourteous to the nation that extended to these young men its friendly hospitality. “We cannot accept as true the representation that they have derived evil and not good from our institutions, our principles and our manners. If they have neglected or forgotten their native language, we never assumed the duty of instructing them in it, and cannot be held responsible for this neglect. The Chinese government thought it wise that some of its own youth should be trained after our methods. We have not finished the work which we were expected to perform. May we not reasonably be displeased that the results of our work should be judged unfavorably before it could possibly be finished? “In view of these considerations, and especially in view of the injury and loss which have fallen upon the young men whom we have learned to respect and love, and the reproach which has implicitly been brought upon ourselves and the great nation to which we belong,--we would respectfully urge that the reasons for this sudden decision should be reconsidered, and the representations which have been made concerning the intellectual and moral character of our education should be properly substantiated. We would suggest that to this end, a committee may be appointed of eminent Chinese citizens whose duty it shall be to examine into the truth of the statements unfavorable to the young men or their teachers, which have led to the unexpected abandonment of the Educational Commission and to the withdrawal of the young men from the United States before their education could be finished.” |
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