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Celebrity Equinox Cruise 地中海游记( 10/16-11/3/2013 ) Celebrity Equinox European Tour Journal
(十一) 厦门; (十二)金门 (十三)金门到淡水; (十四)台北 (十五)大溪两蒋陵寝和慈湖公园 (十六)台北101和兴隆宫; (十七) 日月潭 (十八)台南 (十九)中台山禅寺和高雄 (二十)垦丁台东花莲太鲁阁; (二十一)九份野柳 (二十二) 结束语 - 台湾观感 2016年回国旅游实录(5) 各族人民同呼吸共命运心连心-去九寨沟的路上 2. 华大与美加边界 3. 温哥华 5. Skagway 7. Glacier Bay National Park(1) 9. Ketchikan, Salmon Capital of the World (1) Ketchikan, Salmon Capital of the World(2) 16. Ketchikan, Salmon Capital of the World (续) 17. 6月17日整天在船上
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Though it only measures 72 inches across, 122 inches high, and 120 inches deep, the Smallest House in Great Britain. Painted bright red, it sits on the quayside at 10 Lower Gate Street in the historic town of Conwy, Wales. The cozy abode has room for a single bed, a fireplace, and a coal bunker. Its original 16th-century owner saw an opportunity presented by a small gap between two existing rows of cottages and filled it in. The Guinness Book of World Records officially recognized it as Britain’s Smallest House. It remains in the same family to this day, operating as a social history museum.
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