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The White House

The 50 states with specialties each



star 纽约州和纽约市政府电邮:请看主计长(comptroller)曝光的各级政府官员及私人企业的贪腐行为的。
braveThe NYC Police Community Affairs Bureau wishes you a joyful holiday season and a happy and healthy New Year.  May your home be filled with family and friends and your heart filled with peace, love and happiness. 


白宫 美国国务院 中央情报局(CIA) 国家安全部 海关边境部
白宫内景及收藏 学生签证-绿卡 食品药品管理局 美国社会安全局
美国移民局 國外領養 国防部 农业部 健康人道服务部
商务部 教育部 能源部 司法部 住房城市发展部
运输部 劳工部 内务部 退伍军人部 财政部
缉毒署 太空署 军人墓地管理署 国家宪法博物馆 国家残疾人委员会
纽约市政府民选官员社区机构信息 联邦调查局(FBI) 食品安全检查署 国外主要报刊网站 监察长办公室

Plain Writing Act

特别顾问办公室 纽约市政府网 纽约州政府网

st"We have an opportunity, as our recovery continues, to emerge even stronger than before the Great Recession. But we can only do that if we make sure that everyone is contributing to economic growth and sharing in it."-- Labor Secretary Tom Perez, on the importance of workers' voices

st "To my 5th grade teacher Ms. Mabel Hefty and the educators who inspire our young people every single day: Thank you."-- President Obama on May 4 - Teacher Appreciation Day, 2016.

st "It's about the character it takes to train your heart out, even when no one's watching. Just hard work, focus, and a dream. That's the Olympic spirit - and it's the American spirit, too."-- President Obama, August 8, 2016

st 奥巴马在为美国海军海豹突击队战士授勋时高度赞扬国家军队的重要作用(March 2, 2016):"The American people may not always see them. We may not always hear of their success. But they are there in the thick of the fight, in the dark of night, achieving their mission. We thank God they're there. We sleep more peacefully in our beds tonight because patriots like these stand ready to answer our nation's call and protect our way of life -- now and forever." -- President Obama awards the Medal of Honor to Navy SEAL Ed Byers

st"Do not succumb to cynicism. Heroic things happen when people get involved." -President Obama

st"America is strongest when everybody's got a shot at opportunity - not when our economy is winner-take-all, but when we're all in this together."-President Obama

st"When women are free to pursue their dreams, nations are more safe, more secure, and more prosperous."- President Obama on International Women's Day

美国各州选举人的配额数  林肯总统葛底斯堡演说和语录 美国国歌
新西兰养老制度 优待军人之风遍及美国社会 如何申诉纽约警察执法不公
奥巴马总统2016年照片选 1/12/2016 奥巴马国情咨文(State of the Union Address) 苹果CEO在斯坦福大学的讲演
全世界人民团结起来,打败美国侵略者及其一切走狗! 缅怀最伟大的美国总统小罗斯福 美男“使用吹叶机”被79岁老人枪杀
方李邦琴女士獨資購買修建“鐵路華工中心”在舊金山中國城隆重開幕式上的講話 一个美国不理解的“原版中国” 不少中国人对美国的了解,太天真、肤浅、单纯
奥巴马执政期间的“白宫来信”   2014年白宫最佳照片
The White House Behind the Lens: 2015 希拉里认错:支持伊拉克战争是最大遗憾 Fulfilling Our Moral Obligation to Our Veterans
奥巴马请老兵白宫共进早餐 Obama Greets the Oldest Living WWII Veteran 奥巴马政府时期白宫每日快讯(Daily snapshots)
911十年祭 美国衰落始于"懒惰" 美国的前车之鉴
美参议院就排华法案向全美华人道歉 美国愤青激怒高盛花红等于5州赤字 反金融腐败 美国无奈求助社会主义
华裔虎妈大获全胜! 从美副总统“炸酱面外交”谈起 无四肢男子喜结良缘
Heaven, where is it? 印度的贫富差距印象 Occupy protesters attempt to ‘shut down’ Wall Street on anniversary
GUESS WHAT THIS IS? 古巴最高领导人女儿组织性游行 美国政府为民众做的十件大事
巴基斯坦医生的叛国罪 Brother says Pakistani doc tortured 西方如何应对中国的崛起
Boy who touched Obama’s hair Have a Little Olympic Fun 毁灭资本主义的10大泡沫
Paintings on the Four Freedoms 美国大选-烧钱大战


马克思居然又活了 原联邦德国总理斯密特先生访谈录 赖斯谈中国
向反法西斯战争中的女英雄致敬 移美国的六条主要途径及各类移民案件附件  
700 OWS Arrested on Brooklyn Bridge “占领华尔街”在两个城市遭警察清场 OWS Protesters Clash With Police
占领华尔街即景(一) 占领华尔街即景(二) 占领华尔街即景(三)
看美国警察以什么理由逮捕示威者 80 people arrested in 8th day of 'Occupy Wall Street' protests 700 Arrested After Wall Street Protest on Brooklyn Bridge
占领华尔街即景(四) 占领华尔街即景(五) 占领华尔街即景(六)
占领华尔街即景(七) 占领华尔街即景 (八) 占领华尔街即景 (九)
华尔街的抗议者到底是些什么人? 占领华尔街即景(十一) 华尔街革命根源:贫富分化
“占领华尔街”怒吼:美国政府独裁 美国已经不是世界一流国家 这才是美国干不过中国的真正原因
马媒:印度变“兔” 中国变“龟” 中国速度让美国尝到英国历史辛酸 英国卫报:美国显现衰落征兆
美国亲市场、小政府、低税率 巴菲特乐居"有损市容"的房子 警告:基地组织要对中国下手?
从航天飞机的终结谈起 美专家谈中国科技进步 美国模式是否走到了尽头?
美国向中国支付利息 833美元/每秒   美帝国的迅速崛起和更迅速的衰落
美国清官形象的代表 - 骆家辉 骆家辉给中国高官上的第一课 骆大使在北京访贫问苦
感恩节美国各地实拍 苹果崛起=中国崛起 Protect Your Password
切勿轻言轻信“美国衰落”论 关心弱势群体得人心 美国贫困人口增加
美国总统和第一夫人与人民在一起 劳工神圣 - 世界工人运动 华裔美军遭虐身亡美军种族欺凌
  中国崛起不等于美国消亡 美警察竟开枪打死华精神病患者
奥巴马回应占领华尔街示威 抗议者手持中国国旗  
'Occupy' demonstrators battle wind cold 直击华尔街大示威 西方拒不履行承诺沒资格讲道理
美国女子中大奖想到为母亲盖房 副总统是行刺幕后黑手 西方用"显微镜"给中国找茬
美国评级下调恶梦这样开始的 美國沒資格談人權要談就滾回老家 占领华尔街即景 (十) 纽约警察清场 一夜拆光占领大本营
    Protesters arrested on Brkln Bridge
对警按喇叭华人遭警察拳打脚踢 贫困人生:美国人的粮票生活 纽约街头华人小商贩的辛酸泪
老美看老美:种族主义秘密战争 老美看老美:如果我是总统! 与中国留学生争论,结论耐人寻味
老美看美国:民主正在杀死美国 叫一声同志哥,请听他爹他娘说! 老美看美国:制度质疑的重要性
老美看美国: 宗教和政治在美国   美国时代结束了吗?绝对没!
美国是一个什么样的国家 奥巴马去年总收入约79万缴税16万 美国大公司总裁薪水
侃侃咱们这儿的物价   美国议员软性腐败警世录(一)
美国议员软性腐败警世录(二) 美国议员软性腐败警世录(五) 西方民主正在走向灭亡
加拿大好玩的10个方面 好汉到处有 央视首次公开击落美战机画面
法记者写书揭达赖伪神祇真面目 美国男子飞机头等舱看儿童色情片遭警方逮捕 西方传媒精英转投中共怀抱
破世界纪录的韩国箭手林东贤 忠告中国富贵少年留学生 关注环保 - 世界儿童的心声
美国在联合国遭遇169比1票 茶党女王戏称胡锦涛为美国“父亲”
贫穷落后的美国-留学生的感叹 华盛顿正准备与中国长期冷战 黄金升值人们对资本主义失去信心
西方还来得及遏止中国的崛起吗? 纽约小学二年级老师告诉学生“没有圣诞老人”,掀悍然大波 乌克兰少女的沙画表演
许多国家都撤走中国还在日本坚持 美国警察闯民宅开枪 奥巴马国情咨文数次提及中国
美国领导人孩子寒风中迎接胡锦涛 中国计划经济美国计划选举 美式民主是美国的硬伤
百十美国人合唱《我的祖国》 美國的民選就是政治達人秀 郎朗白宫国宴演奏中国经典歌曲
纽约历史(PPS) 中学生校园亮枪警察直接射杀 各国领导人给奥巴马什么礼物
"中国凭什么要听美国的话" 奥巴马和美国应向中国学习 胡哥和奥巴马已平起平坐
中国可以登月美国无力修桥 中国会投票选谁做美国总统? 胡锦涛与美国中学生
胡锦涛在美演讲不是你输我赢 德国总理默克尔(PPS)  
IMF: "美国时代"即将结束   谁才是拉登之死的真正赢家
茉莉花革命”:几个人站站没用 美国杂志《经济学家》封面图 肯尼迪夫人尖酸揭发
微软前首席运营官中国印象 举办英联邦运动会的印度 乔布斯十条经典语录
世界最均富社会 美国学生必读的经典文学书目 Stephen Hawking On God
“人道”帝国主义新时代来临? 苹果CEO在斯坦福大学的讲演 “美国自我作践,中国从中受益”
美国酷爱战争五大原因 日本人的"高素质"荡然无存 赈灾物资滞留东京
援助发达国家之前还是先省省吧! 为何美国外交双重标准 孝子市长彭博
美东大雪   阿拉伯浪潮不会波及中国的原因
50岁华女携儿子“走线美国”,真的/假的? 克莱德曼演奏《毛主席最亲》


郎朗在白宫演奏《我的祖国》 中国为何对“茉莉花革命”免疫 吸取苏共教走自己的路
千万别去美国 一个愚蠢落后的国度 Orgy Photos Chinese Officials’ Sex Lives 我的中国心从未忘记自己来自何方
600 万犹太人统治美国 白宫,你我袒“胸”布公谈一谈 时报广场上演“解放乳房”
美国已经破产 戈尔巴乔夫苏联解体中犯叛国罪 再遏制中国很危险
娜塔莉亚首先向曾参加苏联卫国战争的克里米亚老战士致敬   奥巴马太败家
普京感谢克里米亚老兵战争年代建立的功勋 美媒称美国开放自由是假象 美国青年(YA)阅读书目


Trump 真正中国女强人 纽约警察竟然拘捕12岁少女学生
  邓文迪一记耳光很过瘾 奥巴马对巴林镇压装聋作哑
Obama: Bin Laden Raid Evidence Afghan Strategy Is Working 什么比歼20更可怕?中国教育"China's winning schools"
美国富人主动提增税 高尔夫球前景不妙 华尔街日报美国真的在衰退吗

當地時間11月14日下午,國家主席習近平在印尼巴厘島中國代表團駐地同美國總統拜登舉行會晤。( 11/14/2022)

Bill Gates, left, meets with Chinese President Xi Jinping in Beijing, Friday, June 16, 2023. Microsoft's co-founder Bill Gates has met with Chinese President Xi Jinping just days after a visit to Beijing by Tesla CEO Elon Musk. The state broadcaster CCTV showed Xi saying he was happy to see Gates, who he called an "old friend," after three years without meeting during the pandemic. (Yin Bogu/Xinhua via AP)


star History calls those men the greatest who have ennobled themselves by working for the common good; experience acclaims as happiest the man who has made the greatest number of people happy. - K. Marx: "Letter to His Father" (1837)

star"As President, I consider it my obligation to help make sure that, even though less than 1 percent of Americans wear the uniform, that 100 percent of Americans honor your sacrifices and service." - President Obama, in remarks at the 116th National Convention of the Veterans of Foreign Wars

star"If one of the best measures of a country is how it treats its more vulnerable citizens -- seniors, the poor, the sick -- then America has a lot to be proud of." --President Obama, in his Weekly Address celebrating 50 years of Medicare and Medicaid

Federal Holidays

Find the dates for this year's federal holidays.

Federal law establishes the following public holidays for federal employees. If the holiday falls during the weekend, it may be observed on a different day.

Many government offices are closed on federal holidays and some private businesses may close as well. If you plan to visit a government office on or around a federal holiday, you should contact them to determine when they will be open. Find contact information for government departments and agencies.

New Year's Day

New Year's Day is January 1. The celebration of this holiday begins the night before, when Americans gather to wish each other a happy and prosperous coming year. Many Americans make New Year's resolutions. See the New Year's resolutions that are popular every year.

Birthday of Martin Luther King, Jr.

Martin Luther King, Jr. Day is celebrated on the third Monday in January. The Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr. was an African-American clergyman who is recognized for his tireless efforts to win civil rights for all people through nonviolent means.

Washington's Birthday

Washington's Birthday is observed the third Monday of February in honor George Washington, the first President of the United States. This date is commonly called Presidents' Day and many groups honor the legacy of past presidents on this date.

Memorial Day

Memorial Day is a observed the last Monday of May. It originally honored the people killed in the American Civil War, but has become a day on which the American dead of all wars are remembered.

Independence Day

Independence Day is July 4. This holiday honors the nation's birthday - the adoption of the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776. It is a day of picnics and patriotic parades, a night of concerts, and fireworks.

Labor Day

Labor Day is the first Monday of September. This holiday honors the nation's working people, typically with parades. For most Americans it marks the end of the summer vacation season and the start of the school year.

Columbus Day

Columbus Day is a celebrated on the second Monday in October. The day commemorates October 12, 1492, when Italian navigator Christopher Columbus landed in the New World. The holiday was first proclaimed in 1937 by President Franklin D. Roosevelt.

Veterans Day

Veterans Day is celebrated on November 11. This holiday was originally called Armistice Day and established to honor Americans who had served in World War I. It now honors veterans of all wars in which the U.S. has fought. Veterans' organizations hold parades, and the president places a wreath on the Tomb of the Unknowns at Arlington National Cemetery in Virginia.

Thanksgiving Day

Thanksgiving Day is celebrated on the fourth Thursday in November. In the fall of 1621, the Pilgrims held a three-day feast to celebrate a bountiful harvest. Many regard this event as the nation's first Thanksgiving. The Thanksgiving feast became a national tradition and almost always includes some of the foods served at the first feast: roast turkey, cranberry sauce, potatoes, and pumpkin pie.

Christmas Day

Christmas Day is a celebrated on December 25. Christmas is a Christian holiday marking the birth of the Christ Child. Decorating houses and yards with lights, putting up Christmas trees, giving gifts, and sending greeting cards have become holiday traditions even for many non-Christian Americans. Find tips to help celebrate.

Other Celebrations and Observances

There are many commonly observed celebrations in the United States that are not federal holidays. Some of these observances honor groups of people, such as National African American History Month and Women's History Month, or causes, such as National Oceans Month and National Substance Abuse Prevention Month. Many of these holidays and observances are proclaimed by the President ever year. View recent Presidential proclamations.

These are some of the most popular American celebrations and observances that occur every year.

Groundhog Day

Groundhog Day is February 2 and has been celebrated since 1887. On Groundhog Day, crowds gather in Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania, to see if groundhog Punxsutawney Phil sees his shadow after emerging from his burrow, thus predicting six more weeks of winter weather.

Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day is celebrated on February 14. The day was named after an early Christian martyr, and on Valentine's Day, Americans give presents like candy or flowers to the ones they love. The first mass-produced valentine cards were sold in the 1840s.

Earth Day

Earth Day is observed on April 22. First celebrated in 1970 in the United States, it inspired national legislation such as the Clean Air and Clean Water Acts. Earth Day is designed to promote ecology, encourage respect for life on earth, and highlight concern over pollution of the soil, air, and water.

Arbor Day

National Arbor Day was proclaimed as the last Friday in April by President Richard Nixon in 1970. A number of state Arbor Days are observed at other times of the year to coincide with the best tree planting weather. The observance began in 1872, when Nebraska settlers and homesteaders were urged to plant trees on the largely treeless plains.

Mother's Day

Mother's Day is the second Sunday of May. President Woodrow Wilson issued a proclamation in 1914 that started the holiday. He asked Americans to give a public expression of reverence to mothers on this day. Carnations have come to represent Mother's Day, following President William McKinley's habit of always wearing a white carnation, his mother's favorite flower.

Flag Day

Flag Day, celebrated June 14, has been a presidentially proclaimed observance since 1916. Although Flag Day is not a federal holiday, Americans are encouraged to display the flag outside their homes and businesses on this day to honor the history and heritage the American flag represents.

Father's Day

Father's Day celebrates fathers every third Sunday of June. Father's Day began in 1909 in Spokane, Washington, when a daughter requested a special day to honor her father, a Civil War veteran who raised his children after his wife died. The first presidential proclamation honoring fathers was issued in 1966 by President Lyndon Johnson.

Patriot Day

September 11, 2001, was a defining moment in American history. On that day, terrorists hijacked four commercial airliners to strike targets in the United States. Nearly 3,000 people died as a consequence of the attacks. Patriot Day and National Day of Service and Remembrance is observed on September 11 in honor of the victims of these attacks.


Halloween is celebrated on October 31. On Halloween, American children dress up in funny or scary costumes and go "trick or treating" by knocking on doors in their neighborhood. The neighbors are expected to respond by giving them small gifts of candy or money.

Pearl Harbor Day

Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day is December 7. In 1994, Congress designated this national observance to honor the more than 2,400 military service personnel who died on this date in 1941, during the surprise attack on Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, by Japanese forces. The attack on Pearl Harbor caused the United States to enter World War II.

Ethnic and Religious Holidays

Various ethnic and religious groups in the United States celebrate days with special meaning to them even though these are not national holidays. For example, Christians celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ on Easter, Jews observe their high holy days in September, and Muslims celebrate Ramadan. There are many other religious and ethnic celebrations in the United States.

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Memorial Day is observed the last Monday of May to honor the American dead of all wars.


Memorial Wall





一位警察痛悼战友 9/11/2021




NYC-Manhattan before 9/11/2001





美军演习双人跳伞Descending Duo (点击看更多美军图片)



Thanksgiving is more than just cooking and baking, it's the time when families get together to share their stories and celebrate all the blessings they've received throughout the year. So on this precious holiday, the Community Affairs Bureau of New York Police Department would like to wish everyone a happy and healthy Thanksgiving.





“If you ever plan to motor west,” Nat King Cole crooned in 1946, “travel my way, take the highway that’s the best.” He was singing, of course, about historic Route 66, established in 1926 and spanning more than 2,400 miles from downtown Chicago to Santa Monica, California.

Route 66 was officially decommissioned as a highway in 1985, but in its early days, it was promoted as being both direct and scenic. For many, though, there was even more reason to take it. The Threatt Filling Station in Luther, Oklahoma, was once the only Black-owned gas stop along the cross-country roadway, providing respite from driving for people of color, CBS News reports.

This was literally, literally a safe haven for people during the Jim Crow era,” explained Edward Threatt, whose grandfather owned the station. In 2021, the site was named one of America's Most Endangered Historic Places by the National Trust for Historic Preservation, which is now working with Threatt to bring the building back to life.




The White House



The 3rd Monday of February each year



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