Nankai Tradition Inspires Us Forever
海外南开校友, 让我们践行南开爱国主义传统, 发扬南开精神文化, 重塑南开辉煌,为母校在新百年再创辉煌贡献力量! Nankai Alumni Overseas, Let's practice the Nankai tradition of patriotism, carry forward Nankai spirit & culture, and reshape the glory of Nankai, contribute to the new brilliance of our alma mater in her 2nd centenary! --《海外南开人网》海内外南开校友及各界朋友的公益网站
No thought is loftier than loving people, no action is more significant than making people happy. (東山譯) 尊重和關心每一個人,特別是那些貧困和弱勢群體的每一個人,這是胸懷解放全人類偉大目標的無產階級政黨的重要標致。(本網) Respecting & taking care of each and everyone, especially those who are living in poverty and the vulnerable groups, showing true care for them, this is an important characteristic of a proletarian political party that cherishes the great goal of liberating all humanity. (東山譯)
To Honor Fallen Heroes -紀念先烈 “人活着总是要有一点精神的。” - 毛泽东 “生于忧患,而死于安乐” -孟子 “Adversities and hardships enable us to grow and prosper, while smug and indulgence in pleasure will lead to one's doom.”- Mencius (東山譯)
青年守則: |
“Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish.” (译文:“求知若渴,大智若愚。” - 本网译)by Steve Jobs (February 24, 1955 – October 5, 2011) 民主走向极端就是民主的死亡,国家走向衰败。这是不以人的意志为转移的,西方"民主国家"没有人能扭转这个趋势。这些国家政客为选了捞取票而追逐短视的所谓"民意",使政府无法实施任何牺牲眼前和某些个人/利益集团的利益而有利于国家长远利益的政策。目前西方国家正走在这条通向衰亡的不归之路上。 - 本网 To read more: 《三言两语益言堂-东西方“民主”社会将永无宁日》 |
“一帆风顺及时扬,稳渡金川万里航。所欲随心能志至,天和人和万源通。” 为了祖国文明建设开创新局面,央视和国营媒体应带头禁刊酒类广告。 How Alcohol Affects Your Body 酒精如何伤害你的身体 (英/中) Drinking alcohol, even moderately, can cut your life short -《海外南开人网》敬启 |